"She sure did, and now she's one of my team's mainstays," the boy said as he placed his arm around her. He looked her up and down in fascination. "Yeah, snagged her in Pyrite Town during the ONBS siege." "Aaaaah, I almost forgot" the agent said in realization. Krane was about to answer before Michael spoke up. "Remind me professor, wasn't one of the registered Shadow Pokemon in that dossier you sent me a Raltz?" Looker tilted his head as looked at the empath. "And you must be Gardevoir," he said as he shook her hand. "So, you're Espeon." He then stood up and looked at the Embrace Pokemon. "Just Looker's fine." The official kneeled to pet the psychic cat. Espeon bowed in respect while Gardevoir did a polite curtsy. The trainer took his hand and shook it eagerly, though a little off put by his strange accent. "Good afternoon Michael," the agent said warmly, offering his hand. "This is Looker, the one from the International Police." "Ah, Michael! Good of you to join us." He gestured towards the stranger. Catching his eye, the researcher turned towards his young protege. There, standing at the footstep of the HQ was Professor Krane talking to a man in a dingy brown jacket. The trotting of his faithful cat alongside him further helped alleviate his nerves as he turned the corner. The presence of the empath calmed Michael, setting his troubled mind at ease. Two flashes of light from his belt signaled the arrival of Gardevoir and Espeon. Satisfied, the boy began to make his way to the front of the compound. The trainer smiled, those massages having put them in a good mood. Just don't freak out and we'll be just fine." I'll meet him first and I'll have Gardevoir send you guys a quick message to come on over. So I need you three to be on your best behavior. All he wants is to make sure that you all are safe for me to handle. "Don't worry about it," Michael reassured.

The birds shifted looks as the words settled in. Looker's here to evaluate the security of the HQ and he wants to take a look at ya." Zapdos shifting uncomfortably as lightning sparked around its feathers. The boy put his hands on his hips."Okay guys. No wonder Greevil wanted these three on him. Alone they were powerful enough, but together they could cause damage on a global scale. All three titans of Shamouti standing before him, the very avatars of fire, lightning, and ice awaiting his command. Michael looked at the three Shadow Pokemon standing before him. Michael got up and backed away as the Simurgh rose and ruffled its feathers as it woke itself up from its stupor before it strutted to stand beside its fellow legendaries.

Looks like we gotta cut this session short." He could have sworn that he heard the titan of ice moan in disappointment, but he didn't want to press the matter. The teen lifted his head to see his Pokemon and instantly knew what that meant. Michael giving a massage to a giant blue bird.įearow perched on the roof of the HQ, squawking to get her trainer's attention. The bird of prey wheeled around the compound to see… If Michael wanted her to stay on the lookout for strange vehicles, this would be it, she thought.
#Pokemon raptor ex exp share windows
Well ordinary except the windows were tinted so she couldn't see the driver.įearow took flight as she soared towards the back of the compound. Just as the thought entered her head, a seemingly ordinary looking black car began to pull into the driveway.

He'd probably want the first notice that the agent from the International Police was coming after all. And her trainer did Fearow to watch the road for any unfamiliar cars driving up. But still, it didn't hurt to be prepared in case she was needed. The raptor knew the reason for the visit and she was far from the one of the big topics they would be discussing. That is if she actually had any real bearing on what was going on. Presentation did matter after all for a meeting like this and she didn't want to give the visitor a wrong impression. Fearow lazily groomed her feathers as she waited on the tree outside of the Lab, watching the driveway.