- #Differences between php 5.2 and 5.6 how to#
- #Differences between php 5.2 and 5.6 update#
- #Differences between php 5.2 and 5.6 registration#
#Differences between php 5.2 and 5.6 how to#

Insert Data Into a Database Table using php mysqli.Insert Data From a Form Into a Database using php.

#Differences between php 5.2 and 5.6 update#

#Differences between php 5.2 and 5.6 registration#
Create Secure Registration Form in PHP/MySQL.JavaScript Alert Prompt and Confirm function.Use getElementById to get the elements in a form.Accessing Form Elements using getElementById.Javascript access and validation the form and inpu.Javascript Checking for getElementById support.Javascript Other Cross-browser ways of accessing f.Javascript Using the document.getElementsByName Me.In PHP5, streams have been greatly improved, including the ability to access low-level socket operations on streams.It can also interface with the DOM extension and vice-versa. PHP5 introduces a new SimpleXML extension for easily accessing and manipulating XML as PHP objects.PHP5 introduces a brand new built-in SOAP extension for interoperability with Web Services.In PHP5, SQLite has been bundled with PHP.PHP5 introduces a new MySQL extension named MySQLi for developers using MySQL 4.1 and later.PHP5 introduces easier programming through new functions and extensions.PHP5 introduces increased security against exploitation of vulnerabilities in PHP scripts.PHP5 includes reduced consumption of RAM.PHP5 includes improved support of current content management systems.PHP5 includes additional OOP concepts than php4, like access specifiers, inheritance etc.PHP5 introduces some new reserved keywords.PHP5 introduces new default extensions such as SimpleXML, DOM and XSL, PDO, and Hash.PHP5 introduces new error level defined as ‘E_STRICT’.All the methods defined in an interface must be public. Whereas in PHP5, all objects are passed by reference.

In PHP4, everything was passed by value, including objects.In PHP5, there are 3 levels of visibilities: Public, private and protected.PHP5 introduces a number of magic methods, such as _call, _get, _set and _toString.PHP5 allows one to declare a class or method as Final.PHP5 introduces a special function called _autoload().PHP5 incorporates static methods and properties.In PHP5 one can declare a class as Abstract.PHP4 is more of a procedure language while PHP5 is object oriented.PHP5 replaced magic quotes with the addslashes() function in order to escape characters.PHP4 was powered by Zend Engine 1.0, while PHP5 was powered by Zend Engine II.This was due to the fact that register_globals had opened security holes by intentionally allowing runtime data injection and the use of magic quotes had an unpredictable nature. PHP5 removed register_globals, magic quotes, and safe mode.